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This is a simple parsing library, suitable for parsing configuration
files or implementing simple command-oriented languages.


This is very simple. Just do:
make install


A test program called 'test' is also built. You can run
./test < test.parse
from the source directory. It should output something like:
Keyword 'make' found
Keyword 'make', arg 0: 'toast'
Keyword 'make' - no more arguments
Keyword 'make' found
Keyword 'make', arg 0: 'coffee'
Keyword 'make', arg 1: 'regular'
Keyword 'make' - no more arguments
Keyword 'make' found
Keyword 'make', arg 0: 'tea'
Keyword 'make' - found block
Keyword 'boil' - arg 'water'
Keyword 'add' - arg 'tea'
Keyword 'add' - arg 'sugar'
Keyword 'make' - end of block
Keyword 'make' - no more arguments
Keyword 'make' found
Keyword 'make', arg 0: 'more'
Keyword 'make', arg 1: 'toast'
Keyword 'make' - no more arguments

Language restrictions

The parser is command-oriented. This means it scans the input file and
looks for keywords (and arguments) in the following format:

<keyword> [<arg1> [<arg2 [...]]];

Note the ';' at the end of the line. A line can be merged with the next
one if it ends in a '\'. Lines beginning with a '#' are ignored (unless
the previous line ends in a '\'). Arguments can be separated by any
number of "white characters", namely, space, tab, and new-line.
The keyword arguments can be lists of keywords in their turn, if they
are enclosed within braces ('{' and '}'). This is a simple nesting

How it works

The parsing function uses an externally supplied language table, which
defines its behavior for the various keywords. Basically, a callback
mechanism is used: the language table contains pointers to external
functions that are called when certain parsing events occur. Five such
events are available:
1. a keyword was encountered and was found in the language table;
2. an argument for the latest encountered keyword was found;
3. the keyword ended (a ';' was detected).
4. an extended argument for the last keyword was found (a brace-open
character '{' was detected);
5. the extended argument ended (a brace-close character '}' was

An externally supplied void pointer is passed back to the external
functions to provide a mechanism to store intermediate parsing data
and implement external language restrictions and error detection.

Using libsimpleparser in your applications

First, you have to include simpleparser.h. Add a
#include <simpleparser.h>
directive in your code. Next, you have to define the functions that are
called for the keyword events. You don't need to implement functions for
all the five events (the parser function will just ignore the event if a
NULL pointer is passed).

You need to define a structure that holds your own parsing data and
flags. I assume that keywords cannot be nested within extended arguments
of the the same keyword. So, the same context structure can be used
regardless of the nesting level.

All event functions return an int, which is 0 on success or a different
value on error. All the event functions have one argument of type
void *, which is the pointer to your parsing structure.

Functions for events 1, 3, and 5 have only one argument of type
void *, so their prototype is
int function(void *);

Functions for event 2 get one supplementary argument of type char *,
which is the argument string. The pointer points to an internal buffer
of the parser function, so you must copy its contents to your own data
structures if you want to keep it as a string. Don't use free or realloc
on that pointer, or you'll get strange results. The prototype is
int function(void *, char *);

Functions for event 4 get one supplementary argument of type
const struct spa_keyword **, which is a double pointer. The function
must alter the const struct spa_keyword * pointer at the address pointed
by this argument. This gives the parser function a pointer to the
language definition to use inside the extended argument (language
definitions are explained below).

The parser function keeps an internal stack that enables it to restore
the previous parsing context (language definition and parsing flags)
when exiting an extended argument. 

Language definitions

A language definition is basically a vector of 'struct spa_keyword'. It
is highly recommended that you should look at simpleparser.h. The structure
contains a char * pointer to the keyword, and five pointers to the event
functions (in the order in which they are listed in this README).

There are two IMPORTANT rules to observe when defining languages:
1. the keywords MUST be in alphabetical order (this is so because I use a
binary search algorhythm - I know hash tables are better, but I needed
a quick hack to get things to work - this in on my todo list);
2. the pointers in the last structure MUST be all NULL.

If any of these rules is broken, you may get unpredictable results.

Calling spa_parse

You must call spa_parse with a pointer to an open file (which will be
scanned until EOF is reached), a pointer to a spa_vars structure, and a
pointer to the language definition.


spa_parse will return 0 on success or a positive error code on
failure. Fields in the spa_vars structure will be set as follows:
- line and col are the line and column in the input file, where the error
- word will (optionally - depending on the error) point to an additional
  string that describes the error;
- err is the error code.

You should call spa_error in order to properly deallocate the memory,
which is (eventually) used by the word field in the error structure. You
call spa_error with a pointer to an open file (in which the text
describing the error will be written) and a pointer to the spa_vars
structure. So far, there is no way to deallocate the data silently
(without writing anything to a file). You may however get the same
result by opening /dev/null and calling spa_error with a pointer to it
(it's stupid, I'll fix this too in the next version).

The error codes have the following meaning:
  A keyword was encountered, but it was not found in the language
  A dynamic allocation operation (malloc or realloc) failed.
  The current character is invalid in the current context (for example
  a '{' or a '}' was detected inside a keyword or argument).
  The EOB (end of block) character, '}', was detected in a proper
  place, but no matching brace-open character exists (the parser
  internal context stack is empty).
  The BOB (beginning of block) character, '{' was detected in a proper
  place, but no event 4 function was defined for the current keyword.
  An argument for the current keyword was parsed, but no event 2
  function was defined.
  The external event 5 function failed (it returned an error code other
  than 0).
  A keyword was parsed, but the external event 1 function failed.
  The external event 3 function failed.
  The external event 2 function failed.

A simple example

There's a simple example program called test.c, which only reports some
of the events for a language with only a few keywords. The program also
illustrates the usage of extended arguments (actually two simple
languages are defined). Run it with ./test < test.parse from the source

Reporting bugs or making suggestions

Just e-mail me.


Radu Constantin Rendec <>


Simple parsing library, suitable for parsing configuration files






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